Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Events

Mark and I were originally planning on going away to Palm Springs with a bunch of friends for the Memorial Day weekend. Since we have been gone virtually every weekend this month we opted to stay at home and plant our garden (finally). We planted carrots, onions and eggplant. Next weekend we plan on finishing our garden and planting tomatoes, peas, corn, lettuce, spinach and a bunch of other veggies. Mmmm, I can't wait to go in my back yard and find everything that I need to create a yummy meal.


Colie said...

Good work kids:-)! I love the first "pathetic" picture. We also have a garden and I can't wait until it produces yummy goodness:-).

Oh Happy Day Design said...

Garden?! I'm impressed! I love the pictures you 2 are so cute!