Sunday, December 3, 2006


I am convinced that my husband Mark is one of the most humble, hard-working, servants that I have ever met. I am serious, few people ever see how much of himself and his time he dedicates to other people. Never saying a thing about it. I on the other hand don't mean to be loud and boisterous but I always seem to let everyone know what I am doing, sometimes it's my way of reaching out for prayer and support, and yeah, I'll admit it sometimes it's about pride. But my husband, he truly shows me what a servants heart looks like.

Along with his full time job, running a homeless shelter and taking care of my craziness, he has started a project delivering furniture to those in need. One weekend a month he and some of the guys from his work load up moving trucks and deliver donated furniture to those in need in the community.

Not only does he dedicate so much of his time and effort to others in the need but he is also such a sweet and giving host. My girlfriends come over all of the time, and my husband makes us tea, does the dishes and opens up our home at anytime, and to anyone. Last week some of my friends decided to spend the night, he pulled out new sheets and made the beds for them, parked their cars in the back, and made sure that they had all that they needed.

Does he sound real? I am in shock and in love with such a beautiful man that gives so much and asks so little.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a blessing Mark is! I mean are you kidding me? Is he for real? It's just incredibly Jac to sit back and look at your life. You've come so far in the last 5 years. You've grown sooo much, achieved sooo much and found yourself the best man made FOR YOU!!! I'm thankful for you..and Mark.