Friday, November 24, 2006

OK...I'll eat my words...not the Turkey

After the last post I thought I should redeem myself with some pictures that might make me look a lot more plesent then I sound.

No but really. Mark and I had a great Thanksgiving. My dad came down from Oregon and my cousin Travis came down from Camarillo. We successfully pulled off our first Thanksgiving feast for 20 people all by ourselves! There were quite a few residents at the Transitional Shelter that we manage that had no where to go for Thanksgiving, so we made one big dinner to feed everyone. I was hoping that after Mark cleaned-gutted-and carved two innocent turkey's that he would turn from his dark ways and become a vegetarian- but to no avail, he seemed to enjoy the turkey even more knowing what it took to prepare it.

Nevertheless, Thanksgiving was a great excuse to try new things, bring people together, and indulge in a wonderful meal. I am thankful.


Colie said...

Great job on dinner stud! No matter how disgusting raw meat is to prepare - you can't change what is so delicious!

Anyways ... I hope you know I was just bantering on your last entry. You make me smile!

Anonymous said...

jac, I have a new friend at work who is east Indian, they are vegans and had Tofurkey... maybe you should try that next year!! I'm sticking with the bird!!
good job, girl! love, aunt faith