I guess that is one way to get the reader hooked...but really, I am serious, maybe I am much too cynical. It's not like I had a bad experience growing up, I guess I had your pretty average, Santa-hating, home-made presents, too much familiy, country Christmas. I'm not saying that I'm above the problem, I am just calling it out like I see it, i'll just name a few reasons why:
-Obviously we are all clones and have bought into the BIG business of the Holiday season. According to a survey done last year, the average American family spends
$835 dollars on Christmas presents. That number is ghastly to me.
-If the Holiday season is supposed to be such a joyous time of year why is it that it has the highest death rate? :
"...They compared the number of deaths during the holiday period, which they defined as Dec. 25 to Jan. 7, to the number of deaths that would be expected at that time of year if deaths from natural causes were unaffected by the holidays. The authors estimated that during the Christmas-New Year holidays, there were about 42,039 more deaths during the 26-year study period than would be expected without the “holiday effect.”..."
-During the Holiday season people seem to be much more aware of what they do or do not have. To me, the "holiday effect," is that people have higher expectations and unrealistic idea that things are supposed to be picture perfect. gag me...no one is perfect.
-Yes giving is a wonderful thing. But for some strange reason a majority of American's believe that is the only time that the poor are in need. Why is it that this is the only time that people feel like giving?
-Santa Clause. period.
But let's look on the bright side of thing...
-Yes I enjoy traditions that are meaningful and give you the warm-fuzzies
- I love that holidays bring people together and that they give people something to look forward to.
-And even though it is primarily seasonal giving...I love the fact that people seem to take on an altruistic character compared to the egoistic one that seems all too prevelant during the 10 month long off season from the holidays
So maybe I am too cynical. There are some wonderful things that can come from the consumer-driven and fabricated lie...just kidding. This year I want to do things differently then Middle-America, maybe then I can be a more cup is half full kind of gal...